Breakfast in Milos, Greece
Ahh, Milos. Driving around on our ATV up and down the bumpy alleyways of Greece feels like forever ago now. Flying from Athens to Milos was crazy because when we landed, it felt like we had arrived on a different planet. Our cab ride from the airport to our Airbnb in Milos was so scenic, I think this was the moment I felt our "real" honeymoon had started. I know that sounds silly since we had already gone to Switzerland and spent some time in Athens, but I guess when I imagine a honeymoon, it involves laying on the beach somewhere warm for hours on end, drinking cocktails and getting tan, reading a book on a towel in the sand, napping occasionally, moving only to eat or take a dip in the ocean... Well, Milos was the place for that. It isn't much of a touristy sight-seeing island. It's one of those places that has beach after beach after beach. We came to Milos to relax, and that's exactly what we did.
I won't say it was all sunshine and rainbows, though... I won't get into it too much, but I sort of lost my temper with the owner of an ATV rental place on our first day. My mood went from YAY to GRR real quick. In the end, it all worked out, but we were stranded for over an hour in the dark because our ATV broke down in the middle of nowhere and the owner was a complete tool about the whole ordeal and somehow made US feel as though WE did something wrong. ANYWAY, LONG STORY LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT'LL JUST UPSET ME AND THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A HAPPY BREAKFAST POST.So anyway, Milos was great! We drove our ATV over to Trypiti, which soon became my favorite area on the island. Picturesque white buildings with blue doors and shutters, brightly colored flowers hanging from windows, string lights draped over the alleyways... It was beautiful and exactly what comes to mind when I think about Greece.

We ate at a restaurant called Remvi that had the cutest decor and a back balcony that overlooked the water from way up high. It was so gorgeous! I ordered pancakes and yogurt with honey, and Adam ordered a veggie omelet and coffee.

It was the perfect way to enjoy the morning. Later on, we drove around the island on our ATV, scoping out different beaches and soaking up some rays in each new location. Paradise... As always, thanks for reading! xo