
  • Lily's 1st Birthday Party

    Lily's 1st birthday party was a big success! It wouldn't have been possible without my mom and her friends who happen to live close to us here in CA.

  • A Life Update

    Hello hello, good morning! I'm currently watching Lily on the baby monitor, rolling around trying to get comfortable for her first nap of the day.

  • Lily's 6 Month Photos

    Even though Lily is almost 10 months old, I wanted to share photos from her 6-month photoshoot since that's how far behind I am on the blog, haha.

  • Lily

    Before I had Lily, I envisioned updating my blog shortly after giving birth, sharing my birth story, and attaching happy photos from the hospital.

  • Strawberry Picking at Gizdich Ranch

    On Sunday, I decided another tradition we're going to start is strawberry picking!

  • Our Maternity Photos

    Adam and I met a local photographer down at Natural Bridges State Beach a few weeks ago to have some maternity photos taken.

  • My Must Have Pregnancy Items

    I thought I'd put together a list of the products that have helped me get through the past 7+ months.

  • Our Baby Shower in Wisconsin

    Last week, Adam and I traveled to Wisconsin for our baby shower. My friend Ashley organized everything and my mom was in charge of the food.

  • Sprucing up your Space with The Poster Store

    Earlier this year, I partnered with The Poster Store which is an online shop that sells high-quality prints and frames to help refresh any space.

  • We're Having a Baby!

    Whaaaaat? Yep, you read that right! I'm a little late posting to the blog, but what else is new??

  • Instagram Story Templates // Life in Quarantine

    Have I really not updated my blog since January!? Wow. Time flies. But it also stands still somehow. I can't believe tomorrow is May 1st! What's going on??

  • We Moved to California!

    A lot has happened over the past month and a half... Long story short, Adam and I moved to California!

  • My Mandarin Learning Journey

    I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Linguistics and Cultural Studies from a university here in Seattle.

  • Our Wedding: One Year Later!

    It has been a whole year since our wedding... How is that possible?? Some days it feels like ages ago, but others it feels like just yesterday.

  • 2018 // Year in Review

    Wow, 2018 was quite the year for me! It's always fun looking back and reliving the memories.

  • Wedding Snapshots: Our Photo Booth!

    I've been reliving the magic of our day by occasionally flipping through our photo booth photos.

  • Working from Home: Pros & Cons

    What are your thoughts on working from home? Do you love it, hate it, or feel there needs to be a healthy balance between the two?

  • Wedding Planning Update!

    Hi hello it's July 27th and this means we have roughly six weeks until our wedding day. (44 days to be exact!) WHAT!

  • How Instagrammable is Your Travel?

    Hello and happy Tuesday! I have a bit of an unusual post today, but I hope you'll read it and let me know your thoughts!

  • 2017 // Year in Review

    So much happened this year! Here’s a recap of all the excitement 2017 brought my way.

  • On Life and Being a 29-Year-Old Graduate

    Well, it's been 16 months since my last post, and as of yesterday, I'm now a college graduate. Woo hoo!

  • 2016 // Year in Review

    2016 was full of travel for us! I wouldn’t have it any other way. Here’s a quick recap from 2016. :)

  • On Life and Being a 27-Year-Old Undergrad

    If you don't already know, I'm back in school full-time which means if I'm not in class, I'm studying for class.

  • Just a Thought

    I realized today that while I enjoy blogging, I don't exactly feel as though my blog is special in any way.

  • 20 Books in 2015

    Every January, I try to come up with a few reasonable resolutions for myself. Here are a few for 2015.