Lily's 1st Birthday Party
Lily's 1st birthday party was a big success! It wouldn't have been possible without my mom and her friends who happen to live close to us here in CA.
A Life Update
Hello hello, good morning! I'm currently watching Lily on the baby monitor, rolling around trying to get comfortable for her first nap of the day.
Lily's 6 Month Photos
Even though Lily is almost 10 months old, I wanted to share photos from her 6-month photoshoot since that's how far behind I am on the blog, haha.
Before I had Lily, I envisioned updating my blog shortly after giving birth, sharing my birth story, and attaching happy photos from the hospital.
Strawberry Picking at Gizdich Ranch
On Sunday, I decided another tradition we're going to start is strawberry picking!
Our Maternity Photos
Adam and I met a local photographer down at Natural Bridges State Beach a few weeks ago to have some maternity photos taken.
My Must Have Pregnancy Items
I thought I'd put together a list of the products that have helped me get through the past 7+ months.
Our Baby Shower in Wisconsin
Last week, Adam and I traveled to Wisconsin for our baby shower. My friend Ashley organized everything and my mom was in charge of the food.
Sprucing up your Space with The Poster Store
Earlier this year, I partnered with The Poster Store which is an online shop that sells high-quality prints and frames to help refresh any space.
We're Having a Baby!
Whaaaaat? Yep, you read that right! I'm a little late posting to the blog, but what else is new??
Instagram Story Templates // Life in Quarantine
Have I really not updated my blog since January!? Wow. Time flies. But it also stands still somehow. I can't believe tomorrow is May 1st! What's going on??
We Moved to California!
A lot has happened over the past month and a half... Long story short, Adam and I moved to California!
My Mandarin Learning Journey
I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Linguistics and Cultural Studies from a university here in Seattle.
Our Wedding: One Year Later!
It has been a whole year since our wedding... How is that possible?? Some days it feels like ages ago, but others it feels like just yesterday.
2018 // Year in Review
Wow, 2018 was quite the year for me! It's always fun looking back and reliving the memories.
Wedding Snapshots: Our Photo Booth!
I've been reliving the magic of our day by occasionally flipping through our photo booth photos.
Working from Home: Pros & Cons
What are your thoughts on working from home? Do you love it, hate it, or feel there needs to be a healthy balance between the two?
Wedding Planning Update!
Hi hello it's July 27th and this means we have roughly six weeks until our wedding day. (44 days to be exact!) WHAT!
How Instagrammable is Your Travel?
Hello and happy Tuesday! I have a bit of an unusual post today, but I hope you'll read it and let me know your thoughts!
2017 // Year in Review
So much happened this year! Here’s a recap of all the excitement 2017 brought my way.
On Life and Being a 29-Year-Old Graduate
Well, it's been 16 months since my last post, and as of yesterday, I'm now a college graduate. Woo hoo!
2016 // Year in Review
2016 was full of travel for us! I wouldn’t have it any other way. Here’s a quick recap from 2016. :)
On Life and Being a 27-Year-Old Undergrad
If you don't already know, I'm back in school full-time which means if I'm not in class, I'm studying for class.
Just a Thought
I realized today that while I enjoy blogging, I don't exactly feel as though my blog is special in any way.
20 Books in 2015
Every January, I try to come up with a few reasonable resolutions for myself. Here are a few for 2015.