Cherry Blossoms on the UW Campus
Have you heard? It's springtime!! It's here, it's really here. I'm trying very hard to ignore the heavy rain and 40-degree weather right now in Seattle and thinking instead about those days last week when it was in the 60's and the sun was shining and the birds were chirping and everything was right in the world.Aside from the rain, late March/early April is a time I always find myself looking forward to. I look forward to it not only because my birthday is on April 1st (and I do really love my birthday), and not only because it stays lighter just a little bit longer each day (this is great, too), but also because it's a special time here in the city.

Seattleites wait each year for the cherry blossoms to bless us with their prettiness, and when they finally do, we all come together to celebrate spring. It's a sweet reminder that summer is just around the corner. Summer in Seattle is the best and I'm so ready for it!

I've been begging Adam for a week to walk the quad with me and take some photos, so yesterday after work, the two of us headed down there. Mirela eventually met up with us, too. Visiting on a weekday definitely makes a difference. While it was still a little bit crowded, it wasn't too crazy; nothing like how it is on weekends this time of year. Everyone else was taking very serious portraits using the flowers as a backdrop, so we decided to take some portraits, too.

We did eventually take SOME semi-serious photos... Aside from the cherry blossoms, there are magnolias on the quad, too, which I also really love. Most of the petals were dead or wilty, but the pink colors were still vivid and dreamy.

The white flowers I photographed at the quad this year are a variety called the Yoshino cherry. They're the same ones I photographed in Japan a few years ago. When Adam and I visited the quad back in 2015, I photographed a different variety, called the Kanzan cherry.

No matter the variety, Cherry blossoms are one of my favorite flowers, so I always get pretty excited to take pictures of them. I think I could photograph flowers all day, to be honest. Now I just need to make it back to Washington, DC during peak Cherry blossom season and snap some photos of the trees there. :) As always, thanks for reading, and Happy Spring! xo