Chinese Hot Pot

I finally tried hot pot with Adam and his parents a few weeks ago. We prepared the ingredients together and then sat out on their back patio to cook them. It was great! Who doesn't love cooking their food in a giant pot of boiling broth using little gold ladles?

Top Tips1. Gather your ingredients beforehand. This will ensure that you don’t have to leave your food mid-cooking to run to the store and find more. If you are going to be cooking asian dishes often, you may want to consider frozen asian food, so the ingredients last longer and are available as and when you need them.2. Take measurements. You should have weighing scales, measuring cups and measuring spoons ready to be able to accurately measure the ingredients you need for the dish.

Have you ever tried hot pot? What ingredients were/are your favorite? We had a ton, but my favorites were the mushrooms and tofu. Yum!


California Wedding


The Icelandic Phallological Museum in Reykjavík, Iceland