Colorado for the Weekend

Over the weekend, Adam and I took a quick trip to Boulder, Colorado. Adam was there for work on Friday, so I flew out bright and early on Saturday morning to meet up with him.

We ate, hiked, drove around, ate some more, explored the town, and ate again. On Sunday morning, we hiked the Flatirons; a group of rocks that resemble five old-fashioned clothing irons all in a row. I didn't bring my hiking boots, and Adam's were soaked from the day before, so I hiked in my Hunters and he hiked in his oxfords. I'm sure we looked like morons...

The front range of the Rocky Mountains is really pretty in Boulder. Luckily the sky was super clear while we were there, so our views were amazing!

We were in Denver for a few hours on Sunday, but I didn't really take too many photos. We ate at a popular vegetarian restaurant called City O' City and it was AMAZING! Everything on the menu looked so good and hearty. If I lived in Denver, I'd eat there all the time. The curried carrot soup I ordered was heavenly.

It was fun being in a place with Adam that had snow covering the ground. While he's used to the snow in the mountains when he skis and the occasional snowstorm here and there where the snow lasts for only a day or two, I think it was strange for him to see snow and ice covering the cars and the slushy, dirty snow on all the streets. All things I don't miss one bit! I can't wait to bring him to Wisconsin in the dead of winter someday. :) I know my dad is looking forward to that, too!

How was your weekend?


Christmas Eve at Crystal Mountain


Snowshoeing at Skyline Lake