Deception Pass
It's my last weekend in the states for a while, so to make the most of it, Adam and I went on a mini adventure to the North Cascades. It was also my first weekend without homework! Whoa. It feels so weird not having any homework to worry about... (Good weird, though!)

We left Friday evening and took the ferry to Whidbey Island. We stayed in an adorable Airbnb cottage in the woods (which I somehow forgot to take photos of) and ate ice cream for dinner. In the morning, we headed to North Cascades National Park. Along the way, we stopped to see Deception Pass. I had heard about how beautiful it was but purposely didn't look up any photos of it before we arrived because I wanted to be surprised. :)

I was definitely surprised. The view from the bridge is incredible! The water was so blue. The history of this area is pretty interesting. I snagged this from Wiki: "A group of sailors led by Joseph Whidbey, part of the Vancouver Expedition, found and mapped Deception Pass on June 7, 1792. George Vancouver gave it the name 'Deception' because it had misled him into thinking Whidbey Island was a peninsula. The 'deception' was heightened due to Whidbey's failure to find the strait at first."

We brought our drone on the trip because we realized we hadn't even touched it since January or so! We were pretty excited to play with it again but I think we both need more practice. (I'm still editing the videos we took!)

We camped at the Newhalem Campground which is a part of North Cascades National Park. We've been testing out different sleeping methods in the Element but I think this one takes the cake. We just brought our mattress from home! It fit perfectly and was soooo cozy.

We made gourmet mac & cheese for dinner (I know you're jealous), complete with veggie dogs. My parents bought Adam a hammock for his birthday and this was our first time testing it out. Loved it! Super relaxing.

In the morning, we ate some oatmeal and then packed up our site to head to Diablo Lake. I still can't get over how beautiful North Cascades National Park is. It's my new favorite place in Washington. I took about a million photos there, so I'm saving them for a separate post! I'll try to get that up soon... Thanks for reading! xo