Family in Seattle
I feel like summer just started and now it's already over somehow... What is happening?? WHAT YEAR IS IT?! Anyway, my parents and little brother came to visit recently! That was such a fun week. Here are some snapshots:

We visited the Space Needle, International Fountain, the Fremont Troll, Pike Place Market, the Gum Wall (where my dad stuck his band's business card), Fishermen's Terminal, Golden Gardens, and everywhere in between. Adam and I also brought my little brother to Warped Tour for his birthday. We didn't know any of the bands, but we did get to see Riff Raff perform which was pretty entertaining. He was ripping open and throwing family size bags full of chips and cartons of Oreos into the crowd for some reason. That was probably the highlight of the day for me. Alex had a great time, though. I took that last (sneaky) photo of him in front of Asking Alexandria (one of his favorite bands) while they were signing autographs.

We also hung out at Adam's parents' house, went sailing on their boat, spent time swimming/kayaking in Lake Washington, and did some BBQing out back. Those sunsets never get old... I'm so happy the weather was pleasant while my parents were here. My dad visited for a week last June and it rained almost the entire time!

Pattie and Jeff left for a big sailing trip toward the middle of the week, so we were able to catch them traveling through the Ballard Locks on their way out of Seattle. (The locks are really interesting and a must-see if you're in town for a visit!)

On my parents' last day here, we drove to Mount Rainier and spent the day oohing and ahhing at the sights. It's such a magical place. Wisconsinites aren't used to mountains, that's for sure. I've been here for two years and I'm still not used to them!
I think we accomplished a lot in a short amount of time, and I'm happy they enjoyed their stay. My family isn't very big, but I feel pretty fortunate to have such awesome parents (and siblings; that's my bearded bro above) in my life. I love being able to explore with them and show them around each new city I call home. Mushy mushy xoxo