Family Photos in Sydney, Australia

I think the most challenging part about blogging for me is just finding the time to upload and edit photos. I have so many SD cards floating around with images from road trips, events, fun days around Santa Cruz, etc. but I just can't seem to find the time to focus on them to share with family, let alone share on my blog.

It bums me out because I used to love blogging so much.But I own a photography business that keeps me very busy (which I'm so grateful for!) and I'm also a full-time mom with a 14-month-old who no longer attends daycare... So that means my free time feels pretty much non-existent most days.

Buuuuut, it's December 23rd and we're currently road-tripping from Santa Cruz to Seattle for Christmas, and Adam and I are lounging on the couch in our Airbnb in Ashland, OR while Lily is fast asleep. This feels like the perfect time to share some photos from our trip to Australia last month!

Yep, we traveled to Fiji and Australia and I haven't blogged about it, yet haha. It was Lily's first time out of the US! She was such a good travel baby and we had the best time. (Well, until Adam got Covid, that is... but that's a story for another blog post.)

Since the trip was right after Lily's 1st birthday, I thought it would be an awesome opportunity to take our annual family photos there instead of in Santa Cruz, and a unique way to document what we were up to in 2022.

I booked our photographer way in advance when I thought it would just be Adam, Lily, and me on the trip. Adam's parents decided to join us a few weeks before we were set to leave for Australia, so I convinced them to come to the shoot with us since it was already booked and we were all there together. I'm so glad they came; we got some nice photos of the five of us!

The Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney is a special place for the two of them. They had their wedding photos taken there ~35 years ago!

I'm so happy we at least got a few photos of Lily smiling. She had some sort of tummy bug the day of our shoot but we didn't know it until about 20 minutes in. She definitely wasn't acting like her normal goofy self and we had to do a few diaper changes in the grass... We felt so guilty for dragging her out to do this, but as usual, she was a really good sport.

We were actually going to take some photos closer to the opera house since you make a loop through the garden and end up pretty close to it, but I told our photographer I wanted to cut it short so we could get Lily home. Adam also wasn't feeling well (this was two days before he tested positive for Covid) so all-in-all it wasn't awesome timing, ha. But it all worked out in the end. :)Thanks again, Thousand Fold Photography! I promise I'll update my blog again soon with photos and stories from Fiji and Australia!

I hope you're able to relax a bit and spend some time with loved ones as another year comes to a close. I know it's cheesy, but I always find myself feeling a bit giddy at this time of year, mainly because I view January as a fresh slate and another chance to set goals and work harder to be a better version of myself than I was the year before. We have so much to look forward to next year (aka one week from now) and I feel so lucky to live this beautiful life with Adam and Lily (and our families) by my side.

As always, thanks for reading! xo


Basic Invite // Wedding Program Design


Lily's 1st Birthday Party