Friday Favorites // Volume 2

Adam and I are in Utah on a mini vacation for the next couple of days and I'm sicker than I've been in quite some time. Boooooo! I'm hoping this will pass so I can enjoy our time away from home and get some fun adventuring in before I start school full time on Monday! Eeeek! Anywho, I finally finished another Friday Favorites post! Happy New Year!

I'm sure everyone knows about Key & Peele by now, but I just showed a few of their videos to my coworker which made me re-visit their channel and I've fallen in love all over again. They're so funny, and it's really hard to pick a favorite video, but Aerobics Meltdown and I Said Bitch are two skits that leave me in stitches every time.

Traumatized 35-year-old Kevin Mcallister! Genius.

Did you know Full House is coming back??? Whoa! I'm pretty excited.

One of my Christmas gifts from Adam this year was this Fujifilm Instax Polaroid camera and so far, I love it!! If you're looking for a fun new camera for your travels, I highly recommend it!

If you haven't heard, microbeads are ruining everything, including fish bellies, so Congress finally passed a ban on them! That's awesome news for our planet and our fishy friends.

This article about Tsuneko Sasamoto, Japan's first female photojournalist is so lovely. “You should never become lazy. It’s essential to remain positive about your life and never give up.”// Jonathan Safran Foer has a new book coming out in September! YIPPEE!!!!

This blog post is so damn true. Even though I guess I'm (sort of) one of the lifestyle bloggers she's dissing, I couldn't agree more!

Kristen of Hopscotch The Globe shared this post about the best vegetarian-friendly countries. Yum!

The Linguist in me loves new words and the ever-changing structure of English and how we use it. I found this article super interesting about pronouns and the singular "they" and the arguments people are using to defend it.

Adam and I read this article and felt some guilt, so we're going to make some changes in 2016, similar to the ones the author made for himself. We're also not going to allow our cell phones in the bedroom, and will probably purchase a real alarm clock soon. I have this terrible habit of waking up and immediately turning over to stare at my phone for a while. I click around for way too long some mornings and have decided that probably isn't good for my brain. I do this before bed, too. BLUE LIGHT IS BAD. MUST STOP.

I hope you had an awesome NYE! Do you have any bad habits you're hoping to give up this year? Do tell!


Zion National Park


Christmas Eve at Crystal Mountain