Grove Collaborative Giveaway

A few months ago, I discovered a company called Grove. Have you heard of them?? If you haven't, you're in for a treat. Let me tell you all about why I adore them! (And keep reading to find out how you can get your free gifts through Grove when you sign up using my unique code this month!)Grove CollaborativeRemember this post where I talked about Purple Carrot and mentioned how I've tried many monthly box subscriptions but pretty much canceled all of them? (Except our Harry's razor blades one... we're hooked on that one.) Well, Grove is another monthly box subscription that I don't plan on canceling anytime soon. I'm sure my future sister-in-law Kristen is so tired of me talking about Grove because I blab at her constantly about how much I love them and their products. Maybe it's because I'm 30 now, but there's just something so wonderful about receiving environmentally friendly hand soap, body wash, and dishwasher tablets straight to my doorstep every month. (Wow, yes, I do sound like a real 30-year-old adult now, don't I? #noshame)Grove CollaborativeBut here's the thing: there are so many brands out there trying to do right by Mother Earth and I so appreciate and support that, but I feel I don't really have access to some of them, so browsing the pages and pages of products on Grove's website each month is really eye-opening and refreshing. I mean, reusable baggies? GENIUS! I had never thought about that before, but how often do we use Ziploc bags and then toss them in the trash? Why not just purchase an adorable set of reusable bags and wash them after each use? Duh!Grove CollaborativeGrove not only stocks environmentally friendly household products like dish soap, laundry detergent, reusable storage bags, and hand soap, but they also have personal care items like feminine products, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, sunscreen, and even vitamins and supplements. One of my personal favorite brands found on Grove is Mrs. Meyer's, which is actually made in my hometown of Racine, Wisconsin! Another reason to love and support them!Grove CollaborativeIt's been so great stocking up on awesome products to use around our home and I feel confident ordering from Grove, knowing that what we're getting each month is safe for us and our furry critters (and our future kids someday, too!). Last month, I ordered these Bee's Wraps, and I can't stress enough how useful they've been around the kitchen! No more annoying cling wrap or aluminum foil to fight with. I'm also obsessed with our reusable storage bags and use them all the time for fruit and snacks when we pack our lunches for work. I feel like we've reduced our plastic waste so much just by ordering these two items. And this is just the beginning of what Grove has to offer!If you're interested in trying Grove, now is definitely the time to sign up! When you spend just $20 on your first order, you'll also receive a FREE set of 3 Wool Dryer Balls (I have these and think they're great! It was oddly satisfying ditching those wasteful dryer sheets), a bag of Method Laundry Detergent Packs, and a bottle of Organic Energizing Orange Essential Oil; a $40 value, totally free! If you'd like to give Grove a try, visit their site here. I know you're going to LOVE your Grove box!

Little Tranquility is an influencer of Grove. As always, I only partner with brands I’m passionate about. <3


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