Memorial Day Weekend

Over Memorial Day weekend, Adam and I went on a road trip to Missoula, Montana for a Jenny Lewis concert. (Yep.) She's coming to Washington this summer, but sadly I won't be able to attend any of those shows, so because I'm a crazy fangirl, I bought us tickets to see her in a city seven hours away from Seattle. Thanks for putting up with my crazy ideas, Adam!

We left on Thursday night and stayed with a sweet woman named Barbara from Airbnb in Spokane, WA. In the morning, we had breakfast at The Yards Bruncheon before heading off to Missoula.

The drive was so beautiful. I'm always blown away by how pretty Idaho is. Growing up in the Midwest, I always pictured Idaho as a state similar to Illinois; flat but filled with fields of potatoes. I was so wrong! It's a gorgeous state and I always look forward to driving through it.

We stayed with another Airbnb host in Missoula named Rachael. We loved her house and she had the coolest cat. His name was Stache (he has a white mustache) and he acted more like a dog than a cat. The minute we walked in the door he flopped over on his back and wanted us to rub his belly. So cute!

After we put our stuff in our room, we relaxed in her hammock in the backyard and then took off to find food before the show. Missoula is such a cute city. We ate at a Brazilian restaurant called Five on Black that had a Chipotle feel. Definitely hit the spot! After that, we found Brenan's Wave and spent some time watching the kayakers and surfers play in the water.

Of course I made Adam stand in line at the theater way ahead of time to make sure we'd get a spot in front... And hey, it worked! We were six or so feet away from Jenny the whole night and it was amazing. :)

In the morning, I walked to a coffee shop to do a bit of homework and Adam met up with his old professor to go mountain biking. The three of us had lunch later on followed by dessert (ice cream from Big Dipper). Yum! Afterward, we said our goodbyes and jumped in the car to drive back to Idaho for a few days.

We stayed in our third Airbnb rental of the weekend with our friends, Chris and Kamala and their two dogs, Ozzie and Molly. The cabin we stayed in was out in the woods and as we were making our way up the long tree-lined driveway, we had to slow down for two deer hanging out on the gravel road. Pretty little babes.

Our time in Idaho was super relaxing. We didn't have any plans, so we just sat around eating, drinking, and chatting for two days. Bliss!

We did get out and explore the beach area of Sandpoint Sunday afternoon. The weather was so great. Poor Ozzie had a bit of trouble walking (he's 13) so we took a break and enjoyed some Starbucks in the sunshine.

We found a dog friendly restaurant called Spuds (so Idaho) and ate delicious spuds, though I had a salad called the "Feisty Vegan" instead. That evening, we took advantage of the hot tub at the cabin and then tackled (or tried to tackle) a van Gogh puzzle before calling it a night. (We didn't get very far...) I wish all weekends were this long and wonderful. Hope you had a great long weekend, too!


The Icelandic Phallological Museum in Reykjavík, Iceland


Cozy Cabin in Leavenworth