We're Having a Baby!

Whaaaaat? Yep, you read that right! I'm a little late posting to the blog, but what else is new??Adam and I are expecting our first child at the end of September and we're so excited!! As of today, I'm 17 weeks (will be 18 weeks tomorrow), and everything looks good thus far. My due date is September 29th, and a new game we like to play is trying to guess if we'll have a September or an October baby. I'm thinking October, but we shall see...

My pregnancy up to this point has been so easy; I honestly feel a little guilty about it sometimes. So many women suffer for months with morning sickness and other ailments, but I really didn't have anything out of the ordinary happen to me. I never felt nauseous or unusual, even in the first trimester.

I've kept up with running and exercising with no problems, and aside from sleepiness and increased appetite, everything has been A-Okay. I feel really fortunate about that. ❤️

In other news, we bought a townhouse in Santa Cruz in March, so we're slowly but surely becoming total California beach bums. We love our little community here; everyone is so friendly! I don't think I could post an update without mentioning Covid since that has totally consumed our lives this past year, but I'm happy to say I'm fully vaccinated as of April 14th, and Adam gets his 2nd shot soon. 2021 is already looking much more promising than 2020, so I'm crossing my fingers that it stays that way. 🤞 I can't wait to hug my friends and family again!

I have so many trips and photos to sort through and post from this last year, but you know me, who knows if that will ever happen... I've been busy with my photography business, and our summer is already looking super packed with trips and visitors, but I will try my best to update more often. Will I become a mommy blogger?? Oh, boy. Only time will tell... Signing off for now! As always, thanks for reading. xo


What Comes in the Free Babylist Box?


Visiting the Elephant Seals at Año Nuevo State Park