Skógar Folk Museum in Iceland
While out exploring on the South Shore Adventure Tour in Iceland, our group made a stop at the Skógar Folk Museum. A man named Thordur Tomasson opened the museum in 1949, and over the years he has filled it with old Icelandic artifacts and interesting pieces from hundreds of years ago.

Thordur quietly walked around with our group, carefully observing the guests and tour guides, only chipping in when he felt it was necessary, making sure the stories were told accurately and to his liking. It was obvious that the museum was his pride and joy. When Thordur spoke, you listened. (Photo by Nunni Konn on Flickr)

We saw tons of fascinating things, like the tobacco pouch made from a ram's scrotum, the ancient cow bladder hanging from the ceiling (used back then as a barometer), traditional sheepskin shoes, endless wool spindles, tiny boats, hunting tools, and everything in between. Afterward, we were able to check out the sod farm behind the museum. It was awesome being able to see how the people of Iceland used to live centuries ago. I loved the tiny houses!

I'm glad we got to see the south of Iceland and get out of Reykjavik for a while. I'm still in awe of that little country and how truly beautiful it is there. Thank you for your words of wisdom and for allowing us to visit your museum, Thordur! As always, thanks for reading. xo