My Must Have Pregnancy Items

Now that I'm in my 3rd trimester and have been pregnant for what feels like forever, I thought I'd put together a list of the products that have helped me get through the past 7+ months. Hopefully, this will be helpful for other preggo ladies out there!When I first found out I was pregnant at the end of January, I didn't really know what to think or where to start. My first concern was my health, making sure I was eating everything I was supposed to be eating, avoiding foods doctors say isn't good for the baby, and obsessing over which vitamins and supplements I should be taking.

Vitamins & Supplements

Adam and I had planned to start trying for a baby in late 2020, so I had started taking vegan prenatal gummies in July of last year. I also started taking a vegan Omega-3 with DHA around the same time. I really struggle when it comes to swallowing pills, so the prenatal gummies were a must. I found that these don't have a funny taste (even though Adam thinks they smell awful, haha); the only downside is you have to take four per day, so you go through the bottle rather quickly. I didn't plan it right and ran out when we were in Hawaii a few months ago. I had to find a bottle at Whole Foods and paid double what I normally do back home. Whoops!

When I found out I was pregnant, I was happy that I had already been taking these vitamins for months, but I did wonder if I should be taking something more, so I panic-bought this liquid iron supplement and drank it for about a month. It was soooo gross, and I can feel myself gagging even thinking about it, haha. I eventually stopped taking it because 1. Did I even need to be taking it?? and 2. It was NASTY. I also got on the Ritual waiting list ASAP because that seems to be everyone's favorite all-in-one prenatal vitamin, but I didn't get my first shipment until I was about three months pregnant. Unfortunately, those capsules were way too big for me and I just could not get them down, so I discontinued my membership and sent the unused capsules to a pregnant friend in Washington.I had advice thrown at me from every friend and acquaintance who had ever had a baby. "You HAVE to take a calcium supplement," "You NEED folate," "Make sure you're getting enough choline," and the list went on and on. I was... overwhelmed. I decided to just stick to the vegan prenatals and the Omega-3 supplement and talk it over with my doctor to see what she thought. As I was showing her photos of what I was taking and telling her how concerned I was about making sure I was getting enough of x,y, and z, she sort of interrupted me and said, "You're doing everything right. Most of the vitamins you need come directly from your food, anyway. You're young, healthy, and eat a balanced diet. Don't stress over all of these other supplements. The prenatal vitamins alone would be good enough." So that's when I decided to just stick to what I was doing.

It wasn't until about month 5 1/2 that I started taking an extra iron supplement. Low iron is common among pregnant women, and I'm also a vegetarian, so when I had some bloodwork done around that time, my levels were borderline low and my doctor suggested I take this iron supplement which has worked super well for me! I had my levels rechecked recently and they're basically back to normal now. If I could go back in time, I think I would have started taking this supplement much earlier instead of that nasty liquid stuff I was taking. The only downside is iron supplements can make you feel constipated. I haven't really experienced that too much with the Slow Fe, but it might be because I'm also taking something most nights called CALM - a magnesium supplement that is supposed to help with leg cramps. It also helps you poop! I had one bad leg cramp that woke me up in the middle of the night, so I really wanted to find something to prevent that from happening again. A friend recommended CALM and when I told my doctor about it, she gave it two big thumbs up, so I try to drink it every night. It's a powder that you mix with water and I honestly don't think it tastes too bad! I got the watermelon flavor.

So, to sum that all up, I currently take these vitamins and supplements daily:

My pregnancy has gone really well, and I feel good, so I'm glad I listened to my doctor and didn't start downing a bunch of supplements just because everyone had a different opinion about what I NEEDED to be taking. If you just found out you're pregnant and are freaking out the same way I was, just take a breather, talk to your doctor, and work together to come up with a plan that works best for you. Remember, everyone is different and our bodies all require different things, so don't stress! I'd say if you're currently taking a prenatal vitamin of any kind, you're on the right track. 😊

Pregnancy Products

Something my parents sent me very early on in my pregnancy was this Pharmedoc pregnancy pillow. It was really helpful during the first trimester because it trained me to start sleeping on my side. I've always been a stomach sleeper (I know, it's weird) so it was a big adjustment for me to start sleeping on my side. This pillow definitely helped! I don't always use it now that I'm in my third trimester; most nights it ends up on the floor, but every now and then I'll give it a shot just to mix things up. The hardest thing for me right now is getting out of it in the middle of the night to pee. You're sort of in a little cocoon when you use it, so it takes extra effort, especially in the dark, to find your way out and over to the bathroom, haha.My friend Sarah was so sweet and sent me a little care package shortly after I told her we were expecting. She sent two boxes of Earth Mama Tea and some Earth Mama Belly Butter. I'm still using the belly butter every day! I love it. I'm super fortunate and have zero stretch marks (so far!). I know using belly butter isn't a guarantee you won't get them (and my dermatologist told me recently that there is no secret cream, so don't waste your money!), but it still just feels good to rub creamy lotion on your bump after getting out of the shower. I use regular lotion on the rest of my body but save the Earth Mama just for my bump. I also read that babies like when you rub your belly, so I hope ours enjoys these mini morning massages. πŸ˜‰

Back when I was still running, I purchased this maternity band from ReCORE Fitness. I've only used it a handful of times since I got it around week 18ish and stopped running around week 19, but it definitely helped. (Look how small my bump was in that photo!) I've also worn the belt on walks and have used it around the house, too. It's been sitting in my dresser for a while now, but I think I'm getting to a point where I need to pull it out again. This belly is heavy! We recently purchased this yoga ball and I love it. I've wanted one forever! I've been using it to practice different laboring positions. It's also just a nice place to sit and bounce around on when you're feeling bored, lol.


Something else I really needed but waited way too long to purchase was maternity clothes. I was lucky and got away with wearing my old clothes for most of my pregnancy, but these last few months have been a struggle. I wish I could say I found a magical brand that worked really well for me, but to be honest, I'm super cheap and never buy clothes, so everything I've found has either been from somewhere like Target or Kohl's - with a few exceptions.

My friend Sarah who I mentioned above recommended these bras from Boody, so I bought two of them. I'm sort of large-chested to begin with, and I knew pregnancy was going to change that even more (which I wasn't looking forward to, lol) so I reluctantly sized up. They're really comfy! I got the Shaper Bra and the Padded Shaper Bra for a bit more support. Still not super supportive, but when you're just lounging around all day, they work well.

Early on, I also purchased a nursing tank and nursing pads from Knix. I figure the tank top will come in super handy after the baby is here, and I've actually put those nursing pads to use already. Sometimes I pop them into my less supportive bras just to help me out a bit and give me a boost, haha. Both are super comfortable!

When I started to shop for maternity clothes, I put something on my Instagram story asking for recommendations and almost everyone said Pink Blush, which is an online maternity clothing store. Their clothes are definitely beautiful, but sadly, I haven't had any luck with them. I can't even tell you how many items I've purchased... I think I bought 12+ things over the past four or so months, and I sent every single item back for a refund. The fit just doesn't work for me I guess. I was really sad about it because everyone had spoken so highly of them. I decided to try them one last time though, as I am desperately searching for a dress to wear to our maternity photoshoot next week. It arrives tomorrow, so we'll see!

The pink Lauren Conrad dress on the right is what I wore to our baby shower; it's from Kohl's. (FYI - looks like it's no longer in stock!) I was sooo worried about finding a dress I would like, but this was the first one I tried on there and I loved it! It isn't a maternity dress, but it's a flowy one so it works. (I was 29 weeks pregnant in that photo.) I also bought this black Mamalicious maternity dress on the left from ASOS pretty early on because I thought I was going to take one of those weekly bump photos in it... Spoiler: that never happened, haha. This is the only photo I ever took in it. I was 19 weeks there! I'm actually wearing that same dress today. Still fits, but it's much more snug in the bump area at 35 weeks, that's for sure. πŸ˜‰Something else I've worn daily and absolutely love are my Birkenstocks! I almost wasn't a believer at first because of how stiff they were at the beginning and how much they actually hurt my feet, haha. But everyone says that's just how they are when you first get them. It took a little while for them to shape to my feet, but now they're my favorite sandals and I'm so glad I got them! And yes, I know it's hard to believe this is my first pair... I was late to the game! The dress on the right is from Target. I bought this on a whim when I drove to Silicon Valley to have lunch with a friend a few months ago. I quickly realized the dress I chose to wear that day was way too short with my new bump, so I popped into Target praying I'd find something. I did! And now I wear this all the time since it's so super comfy.

Aside from that stuff, anything else I've purchased has been from a clearance rack somewhere. Large shirts and basic lounge shorts without a drawstring have been my go-to items. I never did get around to buying real maternity leggings, but it's been too warm for me to wear leggings anyway. I wear dresses every single time we leave the house, even if it's a bit chilly. I run super warm these days anyway so chilly weather doesn't bother me as much as it used to, haha.

That's all I can think of at the moment! Maybe something new will pop up over the next couple of weeks... Overall, I've felt pretty good (and fortunate) since the very beginning of my pregnancy, so I'm hoping that lucky streak continues. I have my 36-week appointment today; fingers crossed all goes well! As always, thanks for reading. xo


Our Maternity Photos


Strawberry Picking at Gizdich Ranch