Camping in Hood River, Oregon
Hood River is a city I can definitely see myself "settling down" in. As much as I used to hate that term, I guess I'm getting to an age where it's starting to sound more appealing and less scary. Moving is exhausting and I've started over in new cities more times than I care to count. Someday, I hope to find a place I love so much that leaving won't sound as exciting as staying. For us, Hood River has that feeling. Adam and I just adore it and even though this trip was only our second time visiting, we're already trying to figure out when we can make it back.

Windsurfing is huge in the Hood, so Adam took full advantage of the nice weather and got out on his board, determined to get more practice in, even if that meant sailing in little to no wind. The rest of us had no problem relaxing in the sun, napping in the grass, and wandering around the sweet little town that felt like home.

Later, we played cornhole, climbed some bouldering rocks at the kids' playground, ate pizza in the grass, and goofed off in the sunshine like the adults that we are.

The view from our campsite was pretty nice, but the only downfall was that we were so close to train tracks, so we could hear the (very loud) trains passing by us all night. Other than that, I thought the campsite was great. I made veggie chili the night before we left Seattle, so we ate that up for dinner and then consumed alcoholic beverages and many s'mores before calling it a night.

In the morning, we had breakfast s'mores (duh) and then headed back home. We found a fruit stand on the way back that had the tastiest/cheapest apples. I got a huge bag of them for two dollars!

It was a sweet weekend with good friends. Our last summer hurrah was a success. Oh, Hood River, we'll be back for you soon! As always, thanks for reading. xo