Rock Climbing at Mt. Hood in Oregon

Last weekend, Adam and I went camping with our friends Max and Sarah in Hood River, Oregon. The trip was mostly Adam's idea because he's completely obsessed with windsurfing and Hood River is supposed to be one of the best areas  near us to do it. But before he got out on the water, we decided to drive an hour south to Bulo Point at Mt. Hood for some rock climbing. The area was a bit hard to find and we eventually turned to trusting paper plates stapled to trees with arrows pointing us deeper into the hood, hoping they were bringing us to where we intended to climb. (They did.) We ran into a few other semi-lost climbers (one of them being a guy from Wisconsin - holla!) and started a small chain of cars to the spot.

While the area was definitely pretty and had unique rock, we, unfortunately, were in the shade most of the time and lost feeling in our fingers and toes pretty quickly. Sarah found a small ray of sunshine and planted herself there to warm up while I climbed. She took all of the photos of me climbing and sadly I didn't take any of her because when it was her turn, I was off trying to find a good pee spot in the woods. Sorry, Sarah. I'm a bad friend.

Adam lead a pretty difficult 5.10 c and had a bloody knuckle by the end to prove it. We all climbed the route once and then Max cleaned it before we piled back into the car to head back to Hood River where we knew the weather was warm and sunny.

It's a shame we didn't climb very long, but I had zombie toes and climbing isn't fun when you've lost all feeling. Well, maybe it is for some people, but not me! We had fun regardless and I'm sure we'll be back in the area in the spring when the weather warms back up. Oregon is just too pretty. Climb on, friends! As always, thanks for reading. xo


Camping in Hood River, Oregon


Beacon Rock